Series information
Title: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (2010)
Genres: Reality-TV
Description: A reality series that follows some of the most affluent women in the country as they enjoy the lavish lifestyle that only Beverly Hills can provide.
Director: N/A
Writer: Scott Dunlop, Alex Baskin, Kathleen French
Actors: Kyle Richards, Adrienne Maloof, Camille Grammer
Rating: 5.4
Votes: 7043
Rated: TV-14
Episode information
Season: 13
Episode: 3
Title: It's Not About the Pants (2023)
Description: Las Vegas starts with a bang as the women hold an intervention for Sutton, who is disappointed with her dating life. Erika treats the group to a VIP experience at a sexy show for Crystal's 40th birthday.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Actors: Garcelle Beauvais, Sutton Stracke, Erika Jayne
Rating: N/A
Votes: N/A