Series information
Title: Gold Rush (2010)
Genres: Reality-TV
Description: A reality TV show that follows crews mining the gold placer deposits of the Yukon Territory.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Actors: Paul Christie, Parker Schnabel, Tony Beets
Rating: 7.3
Votes: 5362
Rated: TV-14
Episode information
Season: 14
Episode: 19
Title: Off the Rails (2024)
Description: Rick's crew sends a rock truck careening off the road. Tony goes rogue and buys a new wash plant to get his Indian River operation back up and running. Parker increases his gold target, pushing Rocksand to the limit.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Actors: Parker Schnabel, Chris Doumitt, Paul Christie
Rating: 0.0
Votes: 0